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    ? Angzi Sawing Centre: Angzi sawing centre has automatic NC saw machine, contract for cutting stainless steel, aluminum,hollow tube, square tube, bar, die steel, special steel, irregular metal and many other materials.?Address: No.518, Jinrong Road, Jinxi Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province.Contact: 86-18602177963 (Mr. Xie)

    ??“昂茲”起源于德國,始創于1793年,至今已有二百多年歷史。昂茲國際貿易(.上海)有限公司全面負責德國昂茲產品在中國區域的銷售和售后服務,并針對企業、工廠的鋸切需求推出全方位- -站式鋸切服務。德國昂茲鋸帶專注于以高效率、高精度、高穩定性的自動化冷金屬鋸切制造,為企業提供-站式鋸切解決方案和360度全方位服務。目前在國內市場.上占有一席之地,為企業減少成本,提高效率,贏得了客戶的一致好評。

    The brand ANGZI⑧originated in Germanyin 1793, which carries a significant history over 200 years.Angzi InternationalTrading (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd is in charge of sales and after-sale service of Angzi products in China now. Angzi takes advancedproducing technology of sawing equipment and management mode of Germany as its core, focusing on high efficiency,high precision, high stability of automatic cold metal cutting and provides customers with one-stop sawing solution and fullservice by Angzi spirits of loyal to customers, hard service, said and done, dare to correct and pragmaticism, which wonhigh praise from customers.

    ? 一.一站式切割服務推廣解說One-stop Sawing Services


    ? 二.通過一站式鋸切給企業減少成本提高效益Cost Reduction and Improve Efficiency

    Angzi has professional team for sawing and manufacture automatic cold metal cutting.The enterprise can save 15% to 20%?cost of the total invested capital include cutting equipments,band saw blade and maintenance cost through our design,?provide technology and equipmeadjustment.

    ? 1.昂茲進入服務企業后減少的是鋸條采購、設備采購、設備維修維護等一系列人工時間成本,更重要的是通過一站式服務令企業存在的吃回扣問題得到解決。Not only can Angzi help Enterprise to save the band saw blade cost,equipment procurement and labor cost like equipmemaintenance,but also can solve the problem of purchasing stuff to get commissions.

    ? 2.昂茲國際只收企業在每年采購鋸條中的百分之八十的回報。(視企業實際情況)

    ? Angzi only take 80% return of enterprise purchasing saw blade in a year.(Depending on the enterprise actual situation)

    ? 3.昂茲國際還可以為企業提供免費鋸切設備(鋸床),真正為客戶實現一條龍服務,為客戶著想,緩解資金緊張壓力。

    ? Angzi also can provide free sawing equipment,authentically realize one package service,all for the sake of customers,help?customers to reduce the pressure on money.

    三.一站式鋸切服務針對不同廠家、產品不一的實際方案Different Execute Solution of One-stop Service

    ? ?1. -站式鋸切服務,針對各企業有不同的產品,服務的項目有所不同。

    ? To different products of enterprise, Angzi will provide different one -stop sawing solution.

    ? 1. -站式鋸切服務,針對各企業有不同的產品,服務的項目有所不同。

    ? To different products of enterprise, Angzi will provide different one-stop sawing solution.

    ? 2.針對大量使用鋸條的企業,方案如下:

    ? 1)企業將鋸切設備全部交給昂茲國際負責維護,配件企業提供,人工費免費。

    ? 2)企業在一年中將全部使用的鋸帶由昂茲國際提供,企業每年鋸帶固定費用多少,給予昂茲國際。提供鋸帶量滿足企業實際使用要

    ? 求。(注:鋸帶必須由廠倉庫參與管理,以舊換新)

    ? In the view of the enterprise which has extensive use of band saw blade, scheme as follows:

    ? Angzi will maintain all sawing equipment of enterprise, and enterprise need to provide accessories, cost of labor is free.

    ? Angzi will offer one year band saw blade to enterprise. And enterprise need to provide annual fixed charge of band saw

    ? blade to Angzi. And Angzi will offer suitable quantity of band saw blade to meet the requirements of actual use.

    ? 3.昂茲國際可以免費提供若干臺鋸床,幾年后歸企業所有。在此項目中,雙方協商- -站式服務費用高低,在互惠條件下成立此方案。

    ? Angzi can provide some sawing machine for free, and the enterprise will own them after a few years. In this project, both

    ? sides need to discuss the cost of one-stop solution, and set up it under mutual benefit.

    ? 4.一站式鋸切服務費用分成幾項計算:年鋸帶用量計算、產品平方計算、鋸切噸位重量計算、鋸切件數計算方式?;诨ダセ?、為企

    ? 業創造效率、減少企業成本條件,雙方達成一-站式鋸切服務費用協議。

    ? The cost of one-stop sawing solution divided into the following parts: annual comsumption of the band saw blade, product

    ? square calculation, sawing tonnage weight computation, sawing quantity of calculation. Based on the mutual benefit, Angzi

    ? devote itself to create efficiency for the enterprise and reduce the enterprise cost.

    ? 四,一站式鋸切方案目標The Aim of One-stop Sawing Solution

    ? 通過我司為貴公司設計一站式鋸切方案、設備調控和維護維修,針對性使用鋸條,專業人員在場培訓,工作人員操作,創造最佳鋸

    ? 切效益,完全達到國際最優化一站式鋸切服務理念,保證為企業省下百分之十至二十的成本,提高企業的效率,提高成品率、產量等。

    ? 為企業提高效率,減少成本才是我們制造一站式鋸切服務的目標和理想。

    ? Our one-stop sawing service is completely in conformity with the international optimization idea.Through our one-stop

    ? sawing service,equipment adjustment,equipment maintaining,use band saw blade pointedly,professional trading,workers

    ? operating and creat the best sawing benefits,Angzi ensure that we can save 10% to 20% cost of enterprise,improve the

    ? efficiency,improve the yield and so on.To improve the efficiency and save the cost of enterprise as much as possible is the

    ? ultimate aim of our one-stop sawing service.

    ? 五.昂茲國際提供的一站式鋸切服務合作單位Cooperation of One-stop Sawing Solution

    ? 1、江蘇龍騰特種鋼有限公司

    ? Changshu Longteng Special Steel Co.,Ltd.

    ? 2、上海田田汽車保修設備有限公司

    ? Shanghai Tiant Automotive Maintenance Equipment Co.,Ltd.

    ? 3、索格菲(蘇州)汽車部件有限公司

    ? Sogefi (Suzhou) Automotive Component Co.,Ltd.

    ? 4、中國森松集團

    ? Shanghai Morimatsu Group

    ? 5、上海航空電子有限公司

    ? Shanghai Avionics Corporation

    ? 6、上海薩逸汽車檢測設備有限公司

    ? Shanghai Sayie Inspection Device Science Co.,Ltd.

    ? 7、江蘇鎮江船舶有限公司

    ? Jiangsu Zhenjiang Shipping Co.,Ltd.

    ? 8、杭州西子

    ? Hangzhou Xizi Group Co..Ltd.

    ? ...........


    合作單位一站式服務現場切割圖The Scene Sawing Figure



    Angzi International Trading (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.


    Shanghai Angzi Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd.

    鋸切中心地址: 江蘇省昆山市錦溪鎮錦榮路518號

    Cutting Centre AD: No.518,Jinrong Road,Jinxi Town,Kunshan City,Jiangshu Province.

    總公司地址: 上海市寶錢公路5000弄440-441號

    Head Office AD: No.440-441,Lane 5000,Baoqian Road,Shanghai.

    電話: 021-39003396? 手機: 186-0217-7963 (謝經理)?

    郵箱: sales@angzi.net

    Tel: 021-39003396? Moible: 18602177963 (Manager Xie)? Email: sales@angzi.net


    • 微信掃一掃,關注昂茲
    Copyright ©2018 - 2021 上海昂茲機械設備有限公司
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